Successive Morontia Bodies [1]
 Number   Place provided
8   In the system
71   In the constellation
491   On the spheres of Salvington [2]

570   Total morontia bodies
(changes, phases)
"The Morontia Power Supervisors are able to effect a union of material and of spiritual energies, thereby organizing a morontia form of materialization which is receptive to the superimposition of a controlling spirit. When you traverse the morontia life of Nebadon, these same patient and skillful Morontia Power Supervisors will successively provide you with 570 morontia bodies, each one a phase of your progressive transformation."
[1]  "The morontia realms are the local universe liaison spheres between the material and spiritual levels of creature existence."
[2]  " are constituted a first-stage spirit on Salvington"
Paper 48 The Morontia Life
Section 1  Morontia Materials 
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Morontia Power Supervisors [1]
  Classification Number in
Groups of 1000
1. Circuit Regulators 400  
2. System Co-ordinators 200  
3. Planetary Custodians 100  
4. Combined Controllers 100  
5. Liaison Stabilizers 100  
6. Selective Assorters 50  
7. Associate Registrars 50  
"These unique beings are exclusively concerned with the supervision of those activities which represent a working combination of spiritual and physical or semimaterial energies. They are exclusively devoted to the ministry of morontia progression."
[1]  "...offspring of a local universe Mother Spirit"
Paper 48 The Morontia Life
Section 2  Morontia Power Supervisors
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Morontia Companions  [1]
 Classification of Activities
1. Pilgrim Guardians   
2. Pilgrim Receivers and Free Associators  
3. Hosts to Celestial Visitors  
4. Co-ordinators and Liaison Directors  
5. Interpreters and Translators  
6. Excursion and Reversion Supervisors  
7. Area and Building Custodians  
"The midway creatures of the worlds are your nearest of kin; then come the morontia cherubim, and after them the Morontia Companions."
[1]  "...offspring of a local universe Mother Spirit"
Paper 48 The Morontia Life
Section 3  Morontia Companions
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Reversion Directors  [1]
 Spirit humor embraces:
1. Reminiscent Jests Quips growing out of the memories of past episodes in one’s experience of combat, struggle, and sometimes fearfulness, and ofttimes foolish and childish anxiety. To us, this phase of humor derives from the deep-seated and abiding ability to draw upon the past for memory material with which pleasantly to flavor and otherwise lighten the heavy loads of the present.
2. Current Humor The senselessness of much that so often causes us serious concern, the joy at discovering the unimportance of much of our serious personal anxiety. We are most appreciative of this phase of humor when we are best able to discount the anxieties of the present in favor of the certainties of the future.
3. Prophetic Joy It will perhaps be difficult for mortals to envisage this phase of humor, but we do get a peculiar satisfaction out of the assurance “that all things work together for good” — for spirits and morontians as well as for mortals. This aspect of celestial humor grows out of our faith in the loving overcare of our superiors and in the divine stability of our Supreme Directors.
[1]  "The reversion directors themselves are not a created group; they are a recruited corps embracing beings ranging from the Havona natives down through the messenger hosts of space and the ministering spirits of time to the morontia progressors from the evolutionary worlds."
"Joyful mirth and the smile-equivalent are as universal as music. There is a morontial and a spiritual equivalent of mirth and laughter. The ascendant life is about equally divided between work and play — freedom from assignment."
Paper 48 The Morontia Life
Section 4  The Reversion Directors
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Transition Seraphim
Divisions of Service Dedication
1. Seraphic Evangels " the proclamation of the gospel of eternal progression, the triumph of perfection attainment."
2. Racial Interpreters " harmonize the varied viewpoints of the races..."
3. Mind Planners " the effective grouping of morontia beings and to organizing their teamwork on the mansion worlds."
4. Morontia Counselors " teach, direct, and counsel the surviving mortals from the worlds of human origin..."
5. Technicians "...[to] help new ascenders adjust themselves to the new and comparatively strange environment of the morontia spheres."
6. Recorder-Teachers "These seraphim are the recorders of the borderland transactions of the spiritual and the physical, of the relationships of men and angels, of the morontia transactions of the lower universe realms."
7. Ministering Reserves "A large corps of all orders of the transition seraphim is held on the first mansion world."
"While all orders of angels, from the planetary helpers to the supreme seraphim, minister on the morontia worlds, the transition ministers are more exclusively assigned to these activities. These angels are of the sixth order of seraphic servers, and their ministry is devoted to facilitating the transit of material and mortal creatures from the temporal life in the flesh on into the early stages of morontia existence on the seven mansion worlds."


Paper 48  The Morontia Life
Section 6  Morontia World Seraphim - Transition Ministers
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Heaven of Heavens
 Experience (Seven heavens)
First   Seven Mansion Worlds
Second   Jerusem
Third   Edentia and its satellites
Fourth   Salvington and the surrounding educational spheres
Fifth   Uversa
Sixth   Havona
Seventh   Paradise
"Some of your wise men saw the vision of the greater heaven, “the heaven of heavens,” of which the sevenfold mansion world experience was but the first..."
Paper 48  The Morontia Life
Section 6  Morontia World Seraphim — Transition Ministers
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Morontia Mota Parallels
28 Statements of Human Philosophy
1. A display of specialized skill does not signify possession of spiritual capacity. Cleverness is not a substitute for true character.
2. Few persons live up to the faith which they really have. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul.
3. Inherent capacities cannot be exceeded; a pint can never hold a quart. The spirit concept cannot be mechanically forced into the material memory mold.
4. Few mortals ever dare to draw anything like the sum of personality credits established by the combined ministries of nature and grace. The majority of impoverished souls are truly rich, but they refuse to believe it.
5. Difficulties may challenge mediocrity and defeat the fearful, but they only stimulate the true children of the Most Highs.
6. To enjoy privilege without abuse, to have liberty without license, to possess power and steadfastly refuse to use it for self-aggrandizement--these are the marks of high civilization.
7. Blind and unforeseen accidents do not occur in the cosmos. Neither do the celestial beings assist the lower being who refuses to act upon his light of truth.
8. Effort does not always produce joy, but there is no happiness without intelligent effort.
9. Action achieves strength; moderation eventuates in charm.
10. Righteousness strikes the harmony chords of truth, and the melody vibrates throughout the cosmos, even to the recognition of the Infinite.
11. The weak indulge in resolutions, but the strong act. Life is but a day's work--do it well. The act is ours; the consequences God's.
12. The greatest affliction of the cosmos is never to have been afflicted. Mortals only learn wisdom by experiencing tribulation.
13. Stars are best discerned from the lonely isolation of experiential depths, not from the illuminated and ecstatic mountain tops.
14. Whet the appetites of your associates for truth; give advice only when it is asked for.
15. Affectation is the ridiculous effort of the ignorant to appear wise, the attempt of the barren soul to appear rich.
16. You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.
17. Ambition is dangerous until it is fully socialized. You have not truly acquired any virtue until your acts make you worthy of it.
18. Impatience is a spirit poison; anger is like a stone hurled into a hornet's nest.
19. Anxiety must be abandoned. The disappointments hardest to bear are those which never come.
20. Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.
21. The high mission of any art is, by its illusions, to foreshadow a higher universe reality, to crystallize the emotions of time into the thought of eternity.
22. The evolving soul is not made divine by what it does, but by what it strives to do.
23. Death added nothing to the intellectual possession or to the spiritual endowment, but it did add to the experiential status the consciousness of survival.
24. The destiny of eternity is determined moment by moment by the achievements of the day by day living. The acts of today are the destiny of tomorrow.
25. Greatness lies not so much in possessing strength as in making a wise and divine use of such strength.
26. Knowledge is possessed only by sharing; it is safeguarded by wisdom and socialized by love.
27. Progress demands development of individuality; mediocrity seeks perpetuation in standardization.
28. The argumentative defense of any proposition is inversely proportional to the truth contained.

"The lower planes of morontia mota join directly with the higher levels of human philosophy. On the first mansion world it is the practice to teach the less advanced students by the parallel technique; that is, in one column are presented the more simple concepts of mota meanings, and in the opposite column citation is made of analogous statements of mortal philosophy."

Paper 48  The Morontia Life
Section 7  Morontia Mota
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